
Major Activities:

1.      Breviarian Big Tent FestivalThis is a week-long gathering of vibrant young people eager to deepen their faith in God especially their love for the Eucharistic Jesus and worshipping Him through the beauty of the Liturgy, dynamic talks and workshops.   It is a gathering of the Youth-at-Prayer, thus, this serves as a summer retreat and training so they can be more equipped in serving their parishes or community as servant-leaders.  You may visit 

2.      Brevstock  is a yearly thanksgiving concert for the year that has been and for the year that is yet to come.  Dedicated to Christ the King, Brevstock is a venue for the Breviarians to showcase their talents through Contemporary Christian music inspiring other young people to use music in glorifying God.  This also involves schools where students are given a chance to perform as well.  Through this, they have even launched their first album last November 2010 comprising original compositions of various Brev artists.  For more information you may visit

3.      Red Carpet is a celebration of faith recognizing the year’s achievers, turn-over ceremonies of leaders, induction of new members, and recommitment of the active ones. It is also a Talents Night and a Fellowship Dinner rolled into one.

Regular Activities:

*       First Friday Pilgrim Vigil - Being a Eucharistic and Liturgical community, they inspire and bring all young people to love the Real Presence of Christ – through adoration, worship, and fellowship.  Every First Friday, they go from one parish to another to have this special meeting with their youth and inspiring the community to make it as a regular activity for all the parishioners especially the young.

*      Weekday Vespersliving up to their name, they pray the Vespers (evening prayers) before the Blessed Sacrament from Mondays thru Fridays with other parishioners joining in.  Reflections are also given after the reading from time to time as part of the formation of the youth.  These reflections are also uploaded online via for other young people especially the Brevs who are outside Baguio.

*      Mass Services Eucharist is the center of every Breviarian’s life.  For twelve years now, they have been seen serving during the Mass every Sunday and any other occasions (wakes, weddings, etc) where they are called.  They are known of their availability when no one else is; always keeping in mind that they have the duty to fill-in the need.

*      St. Joseph SundayEvery First Sunday of each month, they gather for a general formation for all formation groups in the Brevs.  Teaching, prayers, and mass service happen on this particular Sunday.

*      Small Tent Seriesthese are series of workshops:  liturgical training, altar servers’ workshop, and music lessons such as guitars, drums and voice; theatre, music writing, and dance.

*      Breviarian Easter CarolsIn celebrating the grandest feast of our Liturgical calendar, this house-to-house caroling is the blessing of the family by the head or by a priest, if present.  It’s a joyful prayer service where they sing, dance, and reflect on the Word of God while reminiscing every event that happened on Christ’s resurrection.

*      M.O.B. RulesMeeting of Brevs.  Every quarter, the Brevs meet together to have a recollection type of meeting.  It’s where they plan  programs or activities for the next three months as well as evaluate the ministries and past programs.  This is also where they report their present needs.  Application of all the rules is bounded by OBEDIENCE.

*      Brev Influence (B.I.)Brev Influence...praising God in a different way!  The Brevs is into Music and Media.  They penetrate even the sound waves featuring guests, speakers, and members  to share us about their life and journey with God.  Topics cover our Catholic Faith, Practical Christian Living in the light of the Breviarian Spirituality, Moral Issues, Virtues, Lives of Saints, and many others. 

  •       Brevstock Nights  - This started in January of 2012.  Catch us on air 8PM to 10PM Tues-Fri on 99.9 FM bringing the Best in Contemporary Christian Music as an alternative music to what our youth are listening right now.  We hope to be instruments in sanctifying the airwaves.
*      Brev Influence Outreach - The Brevs are being trained to be one with the Youth and to establish friendship no matter what the race, religion, or culture they possess.  They go to schools and even communities far from the city just to sing and teach songs, exchange stories and experiences, and if needed, train leaders in their parish or youth group so they can be more effective in their ministries and to the Church as a whole.  As of today, they now have two chapters outside Baguio City – Balatoc and Abatan Chapters.

*      PaschLenten season is a very holy season for them.  As part of their participation and commemoration on the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, they prepare a musical drama concert usually staged every Good Friday.

*      ATTIC- Afternoon Teen Time Immersion Club.  This is a monthly  youth formation teachings and similar to a prayer meeting.

*      Bible Studythe Brevs are divided into formation groups to address the spiritual needs of the different age groups through a weekly Bible Study (except for the WojtylaBrevs who have a flexible schedule).  Our formation groups are:  Mary’s Child (5-12 years old), LisieuxBrevs (13-16), CollegiumBrevs (17-20), WojtylaBrevs International (21 and above)

*      MediaThe Brevs take advantage on every medium of evangelization aside from radio.  They have newsletter called DAMULAG (Dad and Mom’s updated lists about gimmicks ng Brevs) and are active on the worldwide web.

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