In 1999, the Breviarians was formed to pray and promote the
Breviary/Liturgy of the Hours. A year later, Pope John Paul II, now a saint,
made the Liturgy of the Hours a key part of renewing the Church in the Third
Millennium. He also granted a plenary indulgence to those who pray the Evening
or Night Prayers before the Blessed Sacrament.
That same year, we have dreamed to be officially recognized
by Holy Mother Church yearning to have an audience with Pope John Paul II and
ask for the blessings of the Lord through him.
After 15 years, in spite of our unworthiness and sinfulness,
we are still here grateful for every opportunity to experience the love of Christ through service to Holy Mother Church. And though we do not seek recognition from this earth, our hearts would always
long for an affirmation from above that our duties are always in accordance to
our Lord's holy will.
Today, 22nd of October 2014, the Lord has given us a special
grace to rejoice. As we celebrate Saint
John Paul II’s feast day, we are blessed to receive today our Legal Identity as
Breviarians, Inc. from SEC after a very long time. Just as we were affirmed by the heavens through Pope John Paul II on our thrust to campaign the Breviary, this same person seemingly gives us again his blessing to always strive for holiness and follow him in his sainthood with bravery amidst contradictions. This is indeed, just like so many special Breviarian celebrations, a Divinely appointed time.
Let this be an encouragement to all of us to continue doing
message remain in our hearts:
“Young people of every continent, do not be afraid to be the saints of the new millennium! Be contemplative, love prayer; be coherent with your faith and generous in the service of your brothers and sisters, be active members of the Church and builders of peace. To succeed in this demanding project of life, continue to listen to His Word, draw strength from the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Penance. The Lord wants you to be intrepid apostles of his Gospel and builders of a new humanity”. – Saint John Paull II