Sunday, January 8, 2012

Epiphany's Star

I came across this video REAL STAR OF BETHLEHEM and it left me overwhelmed by the love of God for all of us.  Personally, the visit of the Wise Men which seemed like a mere bedtime story narrated symbolically turned out to be an actual history - part of our Salvation History.

Hope you find time to watch and be affirmed by God's love.

May the wisemen's example of perseverance and commitment in seeking and waiting for the the coming of the Messiah be instilled in our hearts.  The Lord is always reaching out to us.  He would always make the first move.  So when we begin to search and be after His own heart, grace readily flows in to enlighten and strengthen our faith.

A very happy new year and HAPPY EPIPHANY! - Do You Want to Gain Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time? - Get A Megadose of Blessing. And Take Your Life To A New - How To Increase The Love In Your Family And Prevent Them From Drifting Apart