It's Lenten Season! Let me share to you an article written by our 2011 Camp Director, Brev Buttercup on Fasting and Abstinence...
Whenever we hear the word "fasting" a certain norm cooks up inside our mind... Yup fasting is equivalent to... (drum roll please...) Food! It always reminds us of food. Hmmm... The taste, aroma, the satisfaction and for health buffs the nutrients we get, for thrifty people: that is, if the price is right... Refer to the articles of my good friend brevaya, and you'll be grabbing a snack before finishing to read this article; but wait, aren't you curious on what fasting really is? Do we really need to do it? What do we get if we fast? When do we fast?
I asked around on what people think about fasting and here is what they got to say:
"Not going to eat" - Dhes, 22
"Is an expression of sacrifices, because of the sins we commit"- Joel, 25
“Eating one square meal a day”- Geo, 56
“Skip a meal, no meat” – Jara, 21
“Not doing the things I like”- Ann, 56
“Sacrifice” – Junel, 21
“to do the things you need to do” – Sami, 21
Interesting don't you think? Each one of us have different interpretations, some may have different rituals regarding fasting. I personally have been intrigued about fasting. So, I decided to do some research, to know the answers to the questions most of us are passive to ask about.
Number one passive question, what is fasting?
Mr. Webster defined fasting as:
- To abstain from food, either entirely or partly;
- An act of abstinence form food;
- A period of time during which adherents of a faith are required to abstain from food.
Basing from these definitions, clearly fasting is really connected to food. Why? Simply because food is one of our basic needs, I believe the most important. Without it, we die… as simple as that! And most of us really find pleasure in Eating (Agree?). That is why; even the Lord Jesus Christ chose to become bread thru the Holy Eucharist. So that we can be one with him in Communion, nourishing us not only physically but also Spiritually. In addition, one of the seven capital sins is Gluttony which is also associated greatly with food (but that’s a different story). As for me, fasting is depriving ourselves with the things that pleasure us so much. A form of detachment to the obsessions, mania, or craze we have. A sacrifice we can offer to God.
Number two passive question, do we really have to?
The answer… NO! We don’t have to, (yeeeeahhh! Yahooooo! Wait, breathe… there’s more…) we don’t have to, if we are SINLESS. Try assessing yourself first; have you committed no sin at all? No offense to God, our creator or to any of our brothers and sisters? In thought or deed? (Pause here. Assess... then continue reading…) now that you have assessed yourself, well I guess the answer is…. YES! We have to! (why the sad face? Smile…)
Let see what the Catechism of the Catholic Church have to say about Fasting… under the “Forms of Penance in Christian Life” – the interior Penance of the Christian can be expressed in many and various ways. Scripture and the Fathers insist above all on three forms, fasting, prayer and almsgiving.31which express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others. Meaning, fasting is one way of expressing our conversion. It is a proof of Love for God, and hate For Sin, Sin that separates us from the image and likeness of God. Although we have committed sin, when we fast we tell God of our deep regret, asking him to have mercy and take us back again. Fasting combined with prayer and the sacrament of Reconciliation will lead to the forgiveness of our sins and to be with communion with God, again.
Moreover, according to the “Precepts of the Church” (Obligatory positive laws decreed by the pastoral authorities meant to guarantee the faithful the necessary minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth of love of God and neighbor) namely the Fourth Precept (“You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church”) ensures the times of ascesis and penance which prepares us for the liturgical feasts and help us acquire mastery over our instincts and freedom of heart.85
Then fasting also teaches us to master over our desires and “freedom of heart” or the things that pleasures us the most. This does not only entail food but, other worldly pleasures, such as TV-for TV addicts, Texting for the “kiti-kitexters”, video games for 24-hour gamers to name a few. Mastering over this desires leads to self –control, which directs us to a wholly and holy life. Yup! Even Jesus Christ fasted. (Mt 4:2)
Number Three passive question, when do we Fast?
The Seasons and days of penance in the course of the Liturgical year (Lent, and each Friday in memory of the death of the Lord) are intense moments of the Church’s penitential practice.38 these times are particularly appropriate for spiritual exercises, penitential liturgies, pilgrimages as signs of penance, voluntary self-denial such as fasting and almsgiving, and fraternal sharing (charitable and missionary works). – Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I hope sharing to you my research cleared at least 3 passive questions.
Finally, let me end with my own story of about fasting. Every morning before I go to work my mother prepares my baon for me. (hehehe, spoiled noh! she’s my mother, nutritionist and dietician rolled into one. Thanks ma!) When I wake up the baon is prepared, I just have to pick it up. One day, after a long morning at work, at last lunchtime came! I was really starving that time that I almost forgot to pray, so after praying, I slowly opened my lunchbox to feast on whatever it is my mom prepared for me. I was shocked at the amount of food on my lunch box… a few pieces of small cut meat and three fourths cup of rice (I think) are inside my 7 inch by 6.5 inch by 1.5 inch plastic container. In my mind… waaaahhh bitin tohhhh! I thought for a while, then suddenly remembered that I have talked to her about fasting the night before. So, that explains lunch. Even though I was hungry even if its not Friday, but at least I got to fast… I had an opportunity to repent and have penance for my sins. I had the chance to offer my fasting as a present to the Lord. From fast to present!
P. S.
That night I told my mother what happened, the next morning she prepared lunch for me again.
This time my baon was good for two people…
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